

In Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education, observation of nature (creation) was the basis of all further study of science, and she encouraged regular “nature-walks”, involving observation, note-taking and drawing in each student’s own personal “nature note-book”. We have already started doing this in a small way, although Tommy isn’t yet interested in note-taking or drawing, we have made time on our timetable for a leisurely nature observation walk at least once a week.


Life Science: Biology * Characteristics of Living Things * Taxonomy (species groupings) * Individual species * The Human Body * Processes & Systems *

Material Science: Chemistry * properties of materials * changing materials * rocks and soils * liquids, solids & gases *

Physical Science: Physics * Engineering * Chemistry * Heat, sound, light, electricity, magnetism, gravity, energy, works systems, atoms & molecules, states of matter, chemical reactions

Earth Science: Meteorology * Astronomy * Geology * Processes & Systems *  

Recommendations for Literature & Textbooks

In the same way as for Maths, I thought that a good introduction to Science, to encourage an interest in all things scientific, might be to look at the history of scientific discovery and the people of science (men & women scientists). I’m currently looking for children’s books along these lines, but I’d appreciate recommendations.

Usborne Cut-out Models: “Make This life-size Model Skeleton” £8.99

“The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady” by Elizabeth Holden

Usborne Nature Trail series: “Wild Flowers”, “Birdwatching”, “Trees and leaves”, “Insect Watching”, “Rocks and fossils”, “Garden Wildlife”

The Usborne Complete: “First Book of Nature”, “First Book of the Microscope”, “First Book of Astronomy and Space”

An Usborne Introduction: “Biology”

“Living World Encyclopedia” Usborne

Usborne Science Experiments: “Weather and Climate”, “Energy and Power”, “Planet Earth” and “Ecology”

“The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia”

“Illustrated Dictionary of Science” and “Illustrated Dictionary of Science and Technology” Usborne

The Usborne Young Scientist: “Archeology”, “Stars and Planets”

Usborne Understanding Science: “Atoms and Molecules”, “Machines”, “Astronomy”, “Electricity and Magnetism”

Usborne Starting Point Science: “Volume 1” and “Volume 2”, “You and Your Body”, “Life on Earth”

Usborne Introduction to “Biology”, “Physics”, “Chemistry”

“Electricity and Magnetism” Usborne

“Introduction to Electronics” Usborne

“Atoms and Molecules” Usborne

Usborne World Wildlife series: “Rainforest Wildlife”, “Grassland Wildlife”, “Mountain Wildlife”, “Polar Wildlife” and a combined volume: “World Wildlife” £9.99

Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Books: “Chemistry”, “Energy”, “Force and Motion”, “Matter”, “Electricity”, “Light”


Internet Resources

Khan Academy *

Creation Science links:-

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